West Point’s Brand Is Gay

A while back we got a takedown notice for our use of the West Point crest on this website. This website is dedicated to data-based discussions of West Point’s approaches to excellence, most notably in recruiting and talent management. Unfortunately, our findings have shown opportunities for improvement that the leadership most likely did not want discussed. So this humble, low-traffic site found itself on Legal’s radar and we received the notice.

Today we saw these ads for the GoArmySports apparel store:

Love Wins, Team Pride, Black Knights Pride

It was a terrible thing for this site to use the West Point crest as grads are seeking to improve the military academies’ efficacy through open discussion of West Point policies and practices.

It is apparently a great thing to use the crest on branded sports apparel for politically- and ideologically-motivated imagery promoting homosexuality when it suits the political whims of the brass.

Or, in other terms:

4 thoughts on “West Point’s Brand Is Gay”

  1. Vote with your wallet. Stop giving and supporting Woke Point. I will not give anything as long as they keep up with the rainbow woke garbage.

  2. The writing was on the wall when the cadet prayer became the cadet “creed”, when the Dem apparatchik Sue Fulton was appointed to the BOV, and when crusaders was deemed unsuitable as a moniker. In related news, I also know a USMA affiliated profile on LinkedIn scrubbed a post of the supe at some hagiographic seminar of Harvey Milk, so there is some pushback to or conscious retraction of the politically correct, value neutral propaganda that today’s managerial elite continue to parade on display.

    I’m unsure if the promotion of sodomy is related to the decades long drop in cadet talent and USMAs standing, considering how every influential institution today now gargles neoliberal gnosticism. Perhaps, those running the academy merely follow in the wake of those spineless bureaucrats they wish to emulate.

    • We’re just surprised that the “Black knights” haven’t already been renamed to something less culturally insensitive, perhaps something like the “neutral-toned conflict resolution specialists.”

  3. Col. (Ret.) Bill Prince here. USMA ’70 and president of the MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates. I have long admired usmadata’s efforts to provide thoughtful, objective, data driven information on West Point. The MacArthur Society is less than a year old but membership has grown dramatically. We are in the fight to rescue USMA from a cancer which, if allowed to spread, could do immeasurable damage to West Point, the Army and the Republic. To usmadata – keep up the great work!!


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